Jesus set the model for leadership when he said in Matthew 20 “Whoever would be first among you must be your slave, even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” We believe in servant leadership, that is marked by a passion for God, humility, teachability, obedience, holiness and resilience.
We also believe in leadership that is rooted in teams that love, honour and mutually submit to one another. Here are the key leadership teams at Trinity.
The Senior Leadership Team takes responsibility for strategically leading the church. Within the SLT, Duncan and Jerry are also Elders, which means being accountable for the healthy direction, doctrine and discipline in the Church.
The staff team are employed by Trinity and work either part-time or full-time.
Admin & Finance
The Deacons lead teams that take responsibility for key practical areas of church life.
Social Action
Life Groups
The trustees work with the other leadership teams to ensure the financial and legal integrity of the church.
Compliance and HR
Safeguarding Co‑ordinator
Deputy Safeguarding Co‑ordinator
The buildings team’s work is focused on Trinity Centre.