More People Loving Jesus More
At Trinity we want to see More People Loving Jesus More and to help this become a reality we build our church life around seven core values. It is these values that define who we are and how the church operates.
Trinity Church is part of the Catalyst network of Newfrontiers churches. Leaders like Terry Virgo and David Devenish have been instrumental in establishing Newfrontiers over the years and we are very grateful for their vision of building a family of churches that are connected around the world in friendship, mission and purpose.

Presence Centred
We want to be a church that is increasingly hungry to enjoy the intimate presence of God and to surrender totally to Jesus.
Mission Focused
The balance of our focus is tilted towards those who don’t know Jesus.
Genuine Friendships
Everyone needs a place to belong, to love others and be loved. It’s the way we’re made in the image of God and it’s a vital part of growing Christ.
Growing In Knowledge & Wisdom
We are saved by undeserved Grace, but it’s our responsibility to grow in knowledge and wisdom.
Growing Leaders
For any ministry in Trinity to grow, having the right leader in place in vital. We can’t start any ministry unless the right leader is in place.
Prayer is like spiritual oxygen. We can’t survive without it. Prayer demonstrates a reliance on God rather than ourselves.
Gather & Go
We gather on Sundays to worship God together, enjoy genuine fellowship and are equipped to go into our spheres of influence being salt and light in our communities.