A place for special one-off sermons.
Being Church
24.07.22 Duncan Hanton
Never Enough…
07.08.22 Duncan Hanton
Psalm 125
04.09.22 Duncan Hanton
Disruptive Discipleship
11.09.22 Andy Cooley
Nadim’s Testimony
16.10.22 Nadim Ednan-Laperouse
Baptism Sunday - 20th November 2022
20.11.22 Andy Howell
The Revelation of The Word
27.11.22 Tim Dieppe
Advent - week 2
04.12.22 Manuela Mai
Christmas Carol Service Talk
11.12.22 Sammy Jabangwe
Family Christmas Celebration Talk
18.12.22 Andy Cooley
In Christ Alone
19.03.23 Duncan Hanton
The Last Supper and The Crucifixion
02.04.23 Bruno Seeworaz
The Easter Story
09.04.23 Duncan Hanton
Extraordinary Power For Ordinary People
16.04.23 Jerry Turner
Psalm 133
15.10.23 Duncan Hanton
Christmas Celebration
17.12.23 Jill Hanton
Interview with Bernard Randall
25.02.24 Duncan Hanton
Palm Sunday
25.03.24 Tara Agyemang
Kingdom of God
06.10.24 Duncan Hanton